Webinar «iRidium tools for KNX integrators»

KNX умный дом

Date and time: 11.00 a.m. GMT+ 00.00 September 17 and September 18
Duration: 1 hour

Day 1
iRidium pro Tools for KNX Integrators

Date and time: 11.00 a.m. GMT+ 00.00 September 17

How to create KNX project in iRidium pro:

- ways to connect to KNX (KNX IP Tunneling, KNX TP, BAOS);
- registration on the website;
- installing setup;
- setting a project in ETS;
- creating a new project (devices, drivers; workspace; drawing a button; commands and feedback channels);
- creating an interface (from scratch, template, free-lancers);
- free template (iOS), emulator;
- driver (connection parameters, commands, feedback channels, setting group addresses);
- types of graphic items (documentation);
- display templates;
- testing on a panel, licensing, slots;
- sharing a project with a customer.

How import from ETS:

- import of addresses from ETS;
- reimport of addresses from ETS

How to set:

- IP-cameras;
- SIP-intercom.

You will also learn how to work with JS and why a server is required in an installation.

Day 2
Use of iRidium server in KNX Installations

Date and time: 11.00 a.m. GMT+ 00.00 September 18

How to create a server project:

- what iRidium servers we have;
- ways to connect to KNX (KNX IP Tunneling, KNX TP, BAOS);
- installing a server on PC;
- creating a server project from scratch;
- import of addresses from ETS, reimport;
- creating a server project from a panel one;
- change of type of KNX driver;
- saving data in database on the server.

How to set project logic:

- trends;
- schedules;
- routines;
- block-schemes.

How to set such important functions as:

- data exchange;
- cloud remote control.


Romanov Aleksander
CTO at iRidium mobile