Tasks set by the client in the project:
Control everything in the interior by KNX: lighting, audio/video, TV, bed, captain chairs.
Project description:
The company (Malcolm) gives the order to a Dutch company (Noah's Cabinterior) to 'upgrade' the complete interior from the biggest Volvo Show Truck from Malcolm.
With a completely stripped cabine, Noah's Cabinterior started to build the interior of the cabine from scratch.
Difficulties you faced while working on the project:
Time! The project is done by Domare in 2 weeks, including KNX programming, testing, installing, designing the Graphical interface.
Space: in this truck, there was almost no space to store the KNX-equipment (power supply, BAOS, devices, etc).
Control panels:
iPad Pro - 9.7 inch - 2pcs.
- 1x txm620d (20-channel switch actor)
- 4x Zennio Lumento x4
- 1x BAOS 771
- 1x txa111 (power supply)
- 1x Zennio Quad